On 27 July 2009 Turkuaz were invited to appear on TV3 Wanita Hari Ini. It was a live daily show on TV3 and we were just informed of this available slot a mere 5 days before the actual shoot day.
It was nerve wrecking for us considering Mr Gurcan can only converse in "bahasa malaysia pasar" and not proper formal malay which is a must for national tv appearance. So to help brush up his malay, we then communicate with tv3 producer through emails on the possible Q and As so that he can practice answering the question in proper malay sentences.
However in the end, on the actual shoot day, he basically started the show with malay but ended up answering all the rest of the questions in english. Perhaps it was just too much to expect a mat salleh to speak in proper malay in 5 days.

The producer also asked us to bring our own models and scarf stylist to teach the audience ways to wear our scarves. So there we were busy on the phone making all the arrangements for models and scarf stylist. Fortunately makeup was provided by TV3 so we can scratched this off our to-do-list.
On the day of the live show, to create a more colourful and exciting content, we brought many of our products to be displayed on the table but it was another heart stopping moment when we were informed that one of

our model fell sick. Thankfully one of the staff who join our entourage fit the bill so she was instantly ushered to the makeup room.
Later this same staff received many sms askin

g if it was her on TV3... the power of tv and instant fame.
Since the show was live and not at all rehearsed, we can feel the tension and stress but it was not apparent at all on the video crew. In fact they look a bit bored, perhaps from doing this everyday.

Nonetheless the rest of the crew including the producer and coordinator were buzzing about non-stop as on the last minute, TV3 decided to do a tribute to Yasmin Ahmad who just passed away. So the crew had to compile and edit shots of her funeral to be included in the opening. If you watched the video below, there is a part in the opening where the host was a bit nervous because of this is after all very last minute and unrehearsed.
Overall the whole talk show went very well as with all the live models and scarf wearing demo, it definitely made the whole show more interesting.
So we would like to thank TV3 for giving us the opportunity to appear on Wanita Hari Ini and national tv for the first time. For further enquiries you may email Jael Tung (JL) at turkuaz201@gmail.com