A question that begs to be answered is whether a bun tied very high on the head (sanggul tinggi) - fashion wise is it nice or plain ugly. Perhaps it's already in a topic in some forum.
This question cropped up cos Kumpulan Karangkraf whom Turkuaz is advertising in did a recent fashion shoot for us and the results came back with both models sporting a very big and high bun on the head. So just wondering what is the general sentiment on this issue. Whether it is acceptable or will it look like a deformed head.
One thing for sure is it's attention grabbing and very popular among

One of our staff did try on one before but her sister commented that it looked like a tumour or growth on the head. The only way to justify it's popularity now was that she probably did not attach it correctly.

It may look good on models but are you willing to try and put in on your head and go to work 8 hours with it (I know I already sound skeptical, but hey we are not going to stand in the way of fashion if it looks good, that's all that matters!)
Good question, but a bigger question is: is it permissible?
ReplyDeleteSabda Rasulullah s.a.w. "Perempuan-perempuan yang memakai pakaian tetapi masih seperti telanjang (dedah aurat) sehingga memalingkan pandangan lelaki ajnabi atas mereka, kepala mereka seperti bonggol unta Khurasan dan tidak akan masuk syurga dan tidak akan mencium baunya pun” (riwayat Muslim)
"Diriwayatkan oleh Imam At-Tabari dalam Al-Mu’jamus Saghir dengan sanad soheh bahawa Rasulullah bersabda yang maksudnya; akan datang suatu masa dalam umatku segolongan wanita berpakaian tapi sebenarnya mereka bagai bertelanjang tanpa pakaian.Sanggul mereka ditinggikan bagai goh unta(bonggol).Kutuklah mereka,sesungguhnya mereka itu terkutuk (dikutuk oleh Allah) "
Hadith - Sahih Muslim, #6840, Narrated Abu Hurayrah
wallahu a'lam. may we not belong among those who condone wrongdoings (subahat). amin.
ReplyDeletepada pendapat saya, butik turkuaz tidak seharusnya menjual pakaian berupa sanggul ini kepada masyarakat islam... perkara ini telah dijelaskan di dalam al-quran. Sanggul yang sengaja dibuat untuk menarik perhatian manusia adalah haram sama sekali. di harap pihak turkuaz mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya agar kesucian islam dapat dikekalkan.
Very interesting. Just a few days ago I was wondering what Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) meant by the following hadith:
ReplyDelete“There are two types of the people of Hell whom I have not yet seen: people with whips like the tails of cattle with which they strike the people, and women who are clothed yet naked, astray and leading others astray, with their *heads like the humps of camels, leaning to one side*. They will not enter Paradise nor even smell its fragrance, although it fragrance may be detected from such and such a distance.” Narrated by Ahmad and Muslim.
And now, I come across this! Oh God, these are more signs that we are indeed very close to the Day of Judgment. May Allah save us and protect us from the tortures of the kabr and the fire of jahannum!
Hodoh bebeno ghopernyer,kalu rendah xper nie dah ghoper kepala benjol pun ade