Thursday, August 9, 2012

Shaken not stirred

This me think is a good practice - to shake your drinking water in a bottle before drinking it as it introduce a lot of oxygen into the water.

I got this inspiration from:-

1) drinking Bing Han ginseng as we must shake till the ginseng powder and water becomes foamy for "saponification" ie the process that produces soap to happen... Somehow this will help break down fat or something like that.

2) watching Bear Grylls in one of Man vs Wild episode where he found a small pool of stagnant water. He said even though the water looks clean, stagnant water can pose a serious danger. So basically he:-
a) strain the water with cloth or his socks.. I cant remember
b) place the bottle of water in the front backpack compartment so that the water is exposed to UV or sunlight
c) shake the bottle vigorously before drinking

So from ADDING 1 + 2, I deduce that water that have been shaken will be good for our body as it'll be full of oxygen since humans need oxygen to survive!

VoilĂ !! 

The next time you reach for you plain water, no harm in giving it a nice shake before drinking!!


  1. The only drink that I shake before drinking is ... cough syrup..yucks

  2. Cough syrup have to shake meh? Oh ya!! I forgot.. the brown type have to shake first. Hate the aftertaste though! Yuck!

    Try shaking water before drinking it especially if you suspect the water have been stagnant for some time. Should freshen it (if there's such a word) =D
