I spent a good 3 hours deciding between watching Pirates of Caribbean 4 and Super 8.
I asked for opinions from my 16 year old cousin since he already watched both the shows.
Apparently he rated Pirates higher but not one to trust 1 source, I google for reviews.
One of the reviews mentioned that Super 8 will be more "fun" for those born before 1980 as they would have grown up, influenced by Steven Spielberg's movies namely ET, Goonies and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
Since Super 8 is meant to be a tribute by JJ Abrams to Spielberg's works, he purposedly choose to project certain scenes with blur effect which the older generation can identify with since there's no BluRay or HD then. So maybe it is for this reason my cousin didnt really enjoy the movie.
As for me, being the target group of this movie, I thoroughly enjoy it! It warms my heart as the young actors and actress in Super 8 were brilliant and believable.
It's been a long time since a movie actually had a story that thugs the heart strings and Super 8 is definitely one of them..
However do note that the final revelation of the "alien" might put some off, this should not be the reason to write it off or dislike it.
BTW do stay for the credits as the movie within the movie continues rolling during credit.
This is definitely a must watch movie about adolescent and their coming of age.
The original Super 8 |